Welcome to IBTbellevue.com
International Ballet Theatre's Online Box Office
Consider Making a Donation or Advertising with a PATRON Sponsorship*
As a Non-Profit Performing Arts Organization any Financial Donation made to support and/or sponsor International Ballet Theatre's mission of preserving the art of dance, through education and public performances, are tax deductible.*
International Ballet Theatre Fundraises year-round through ticket sales for public performances,
merchandising of dance gear, and through the generosity of philanthropic donations.
Chances are you are familiar with IBT from attending a performance of IBT's The Nutcracker (in Bellevue) at some point over the last 20 years, maybe you are a lover of classical ballet who attends 2 or 3 IBT performances each season, or you are a parent or family member related to one of the many dancers who share the stage season after season. However you discovered International Ballet Theatre we say, welcome to the world of dance.
PATRON Sponsorships
Patron Sponsor - Full Color Ad on Event Program Insert.
Limit of four Patron Sponsors for any Production.*
Full Page $4500
Ad Dimensions 8”x10”
1/2 Page $3000
Ad Dimensions 8 3/16”x5” or 4”x10”
1/4 Page $2000
Ad Dimensions 4”x5”
In addition to your Promotional Ad in the Program, Patron Sponsors will receive:
· Name Recognition during the Welcome Announcement prior to each performance.
· Logo on Digital Tickets
· Complementary Tickets to Sponsored Production
Deadline: 30 days prior to first performance in a series. Ads may be submitted in .JPG or .PNG format. Image 900 x 900 pix
DONATE to International Ballet Theatre
When it comes to performance arts organization in Bellevue, Washington, no other performance arts organization has survived longer then International Ballet Theatre. Who, without sponsorship from east side corporations -- which was never the plan, and created challenges early on. With cuts to federal grants and east side business who want their brand tied to Seattle, east side performance arts organizations like International Ballet Theatre have been left to their own creative resources. IBT is grateful to have built a loyal and ever-growing audience and we hope, that after 20 years of performing in Bellevue, that IBT has earned its place in Bellevue as a true asset to the community.
Wondering how much money you should consider donating to IBT's cause? As with any Non-Profit Organization, they are happy to receive any size Financial Donation from $1 to $100,000.
Maybe this information will help with your decision. A General Admission Ticket for an IBT Performance is $45-$62 and a Youth Ticket , Child to age 14 is $42.
Here is how the proceeds from each ticket is used:
IBT Rents the Theatre at Meydenbauer Center for all performances, load-in and rehearsal dates (more than 30 per season).
IBT Hires union labor for lights, sound and back stage operations.
IBT Operates a brick and mortar rehearsal studio and dance academy in Bellevue, WA.
IBT Employs one part-time person for Marketing, Ticket Sales and Box Office Operations.
IBT has made the donation process really simple. And you can contribute with your Venmo account or with any credit card through PayPal. (You do not need to have a PayPal account to donate with PayPal), and thirdly, Snail Mail.
1. VENMO - Simply send your donation to IBT 's VENMO Account @International-ballettheatre
2. CREDIT CARD or PAYPAL - Donate with any CC by clicking on the PayPal Button
3. SNAIL MAIL - Write a check and send it to:
International Ballet Theatre
PO Box 4227
Bellevue, WA 98009 - 4227
*International Ballet Theatre is a 501 (C)(3) non-profit organization registered in the State of Washington. Financial contributions are tax deductible.